The Danish Research Training Programme of Philosophy, History of Ideas and History of Science

"Denmark has a number of small but very active institutions specializing in philosophy, the history of ideas and the history of science. The institutions range from university departments, research centers to museums. None of the institutions however have a sufficent flow of PhD-students to warrant a research school. Additionally it has often been a problem for PhD-students to find research courses relevant to their projects since the instuitutions have been, given their size, unable to provide continous and/or reoccuring courses. The Danish Research School in Philosophy, History of Ideas and History of Science is a national conglomerate of all the Danish institutions offering a research program in the relevant fields. Please refer to the Affiliates page for a complete list of the affiliated institutions. The school is sponsored by the Danish Research Training Council."
Veröffentlicht durch

Danish, Englisch



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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