Russian Nationalism - Yahoo Group


Umland, Andreas: Kiew, UA

"An increasingly important factor in post-Soviet affairs, Russian nationalism remains an understudied topic in such disciplines as comparative politics, international relations or contemporary history as well as a relatively minor theme in cultural and area studies. This website and mailing group is designed as a forum of scholarly exchange for students, researchers, journalists and others interested in the history and current permutations of Russian right-wing thought and politics including Slavophilism, pan-Slavism, Eurasianism, and further varieties of pre- and post-revolutionary Russian ethnocentrism, imperialism, antisemitism, etc. While everybody interested in these subjects is invited to join the list, this forum is exclusively reserved for the spread of substantive, analytical information on Russian nationalism as well a for announcements on relevant confernces, publications, and other academic projects. This is not a discussion group."
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Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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