Women in the Jewish Resistance to Nazi Occupation


Ofer, Dalia

Cohen, Judith

"In January 1943, in Jerusalem, the prominent Polish Zionist leader Yitzhak Grünbaum, head of the rescue committee for European Jewry, asked in grief how it was possible for Jews of Poland, the paradigms of Jewish self defense, whose sophisticated political methods had ensured their rights in Poland, were led like sheep to the slaughter. This image of the Jews became dominant during the 1950s to describe Jewish passivity vis-a-vis Nazi mass killing operations. In Raul Hilberg's standard work, The Destruction of the European Jews, published in 1961, he described, the modes of Jewish reaction to Nazis: When confronted by force, a group can react in five ways: by resistance, by an attempt to alleviate or nullify the threat (the undoing reaction), by evasion, by paralysis, characterized by almost complete lack of resistance. Jews were not oriented toward resistance."
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Thomas Meyer
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