Canada by Train / Le Canada par le train

Canada, by Train has three main sections. Ties That Bind provides a short history of railways in Canada and how they marketed their passenger services. It creates a context for the other two sections, Transcontinental Tour and Tracking Time. The Transcontinental Tour" section of this exhibit highlights the National Library's collection of railway advertising and some of the companies that created it. The collection contains brochures, timetables and posters, dating from approximately 1883 to 1952. The "Tracking Time" section examines the contribution of railways to the growth of Canada, through themes ranging from urban growth to immigration. Important Canadian events such as The Depression and the Royal Visit of 1939 are also linked to railways and trains." [self-description]
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

The National Library of Canada: Ottawa, CA (ON) <>


Englisch, Französisch



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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