Monographien (und Dissertation)
Eberhard Crailsheim, The Spanish Connection. French and Flemish Merchant Networks in Seville, 1570‐1650 (Vienna et al., Böhlau 2016, Wirtschafts- und Sozialhistorische Studien 19, ed. by Stuart Jenks, Michael North and Rolf Walter)
Herausgeberschaften und Editionen
Conexiones Filipinas. La afluencia de rutas marítimas en torno a un archipiélago (siglos XVI-VVIII), ed. with Guadalupe Pinzón Ríos, and María Baudot Monroy, being a special edition of the Journal Vegueta (Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria) 20 (ISSN: 1133-598X) (2020).
The Representation of External Threats. From the Middle Ages to the Modern World, ed. with María Dolores Elizalde, History of Warfare 123 (Leiden, Boston, Mass., Brill 2019) (ISSN: 1385-7827, ISBN: 9789004392427) (SJR2016 0.101).
Helene Breitenfellner, Eberhard Crailsheim, Josef Köstelbauer, Eugen Pfister (eds.), Grenzen – Kulturhistorische Annäherungen (acknowledged to be published in Vienna, Mandelbaum 2016). Open Access [Funding: Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs and City of Vienna].
Birgit Tremml-Werner and Eberhard Crailsheim (eds.), Audienzen und Allianzen. Interkulturelle Diplomatie in Asien und Europa vom 8. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert (Vienna, Mandelbaum 2015) [Funding: Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, City of Vienna, and Südwind Organization].
Astrid Windus and Eberhard Crailsheim (eds.), Image‐Object‐Performance. Mediality and Communication in Contact Zones of Colonial Latin America and the Philippines (Munster et al., Waxmann 2013) [Funding: Gerda Henkel Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DFG)].