Jay Geller (PhD)


Department of History

Case Western Reserve University

Forschung und Projekte

Derzeitige Position(en)

Samuel Rosenthal Professor of Judaic Studies and Professor of History

Aktuelle(s) Projekt(e)

-- modernism and Jewish identity in Weimar Germany

Frühere Position(en)

Associate Professor of History, University of Tulsa


Monographien (und Dissertation)

Die Scholems. Eine Geschichte des deutsch-jüdischen Burgertums. Berlin 2020.

The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction. Ithaca/London 2019.

Jews in Post-Holocaust Germany, 1945-1953. Cambridge/New York 2005.


“The Scholem Brothers and the Paths of German Jewry, 1914-1939,” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 30, no. 2 (winter 2012): 52-73.
“From Berlin and Jerusalem: On the Germanness of Gershom Scholem,” Journal of Religious History 35, no. 2 (June 2011): 211-232.
“Theodor Heuss and German-Jewish Reconciliation after 1945.” German Politics and Society 24, no. 2 (summer 2006): 1-22.
“Representing Jewry in East Germany, 1945-1953: The Jewish Community Between Advocacy and Accommodation.” Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 47 (2002): 195-214.
“The Role of Military Administration in German Occupied Belgium, 1940-1944.” The Journal of Military History 63, no. 1 (January 1999): 99-125.
“The Politics of Jewish Representation in Early West Germany”, in Rebuilding Jewish Life in Germany. Edited by Jay Howard Geller and Michael Meng. New Brunswick 2020.
“The Scholem Family in German and German-Jewish Historical Context”, in Scholar and Kabbalist: Gershom Scholem's Life and Work. Edited by Mirjam Zadoff and Noam Zadoff. Leiden 2019.
“‘I Have Been a Stranger in a Foreign Land’: The Scholem Brothers and German-Jewish Émigré Identity”, in Three-Way Street: Jews, Germans and the Transnational. Edited by Jay Howard Geller and Leslie Morris. Ann Arbor 2016.
"Die Entstehung des Zentralrates der Juden in Deutschland", in Zwischen Erinnerung und Neubeginn. Zur Deutsch-Jüdischen Geschichte nach 1945. Edited by Susanne Schönborn. Munich 2006.
"Das Bild Konrad Adenauers vom Judentum und seine Beziehungen zu Vertretern jüdischer Organisationen nach 1945", in Adenauer, Israel und das Judentum. Edited by Hanns Jürgen Küsters. Bonn 2004.

Herausgeberschaften und Editionen

Rebuilding Jewish Life in Germany. Ed. with Michael Meng. New Brunswick 2020.

Three-Way Street: Germans, Jews, and the Transnational. Ed. with Leslie Morris. Ann Arbor 2016.