Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" ist eine auf Rezensionen für die Geschichtswissenschaften fokussierte Suchmaschine, mit der Buchsprechungen aus Zeitschriften im Volltext durchsucht werden können. Sie berücksichtigt neuere fachwissenschaftliche Besprechungen, die im Web veröffentlicht wurden und ohne Zugangsbeschränkungen im Volltext zur Verfügung stehen.

Stand: 06.09.2021

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  • Tulipmania. money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age
    Goldgar, Anne: Tulipmania. money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age (2007)
    Rezension J. L. Price in: Reviews in History
  • Religion, empire, and torture. the case of Achaemenian Persia, with a postscript on Abu Ghraib
    Lincoln, Bruce: Religion, empire, and torture. the case of Achaemenian Persia, with a postscript on Abu Ghraib (2007)
    Rezension Tytus K. Mikolajczak in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Impotence. a cultural history
    McLaren, Angus: Impotence. a cultural history (2007)
    Rezension Martin Lücke in: sehepunkte
  • The rhetoric of perspective. realism and illusionism in seventeenth-century Dutch still-life painting
    Grootenboer, Hanneke: The rhetoric of perspective. realism and illusionism in seventeenth-century Dutch still-life painting (2005)
    Rezension Claudia Fritzsche in: sehepunkte
  • Tulipmania. money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age
    Goldgar, Anne: Tulipmania. money, honor, and knowledge in the Dutch golden age (2007)
    Rezension Donald J. Harreld in: H-Net Reviews
  • How to stage Greek tragedy today
    Goldhill, Simon: How to stage Greek tragedy today (2007)
    Rezension Timothy Dugan in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Martial. the world of the epigram
    Fitzgerald, William: Martial. the world of the epigram (2007)
    Rezension Ilaria Marchesi in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  • Believe not every spirit. possession, mysticism, & discernment in early modern Catholicism
    Sluhovsky, Moshe: Believe not every spirit. possession, mysticism, & discernment in early modern Catholicism (2007)
    Rezension Marc R. Forster in: H-Net Reviews
  • The Enlightenment and the book. Scottish authors and their publishers in eighteenth-century Britain, Ireland, and America
    Sher, Richard B.: The Enlightenment and the book. Scottish authors and their publishers in eighteenth-century Britain, Ireland, and America (2006)
    Rezension Charles W. J. Withers in: H-Net Reviews
  • John Kenneth Galbraith. his life, his politics, his economics
    Parker, Richard: John Kenneth Galbraith. his life, his politics, his economics (2007)
    Rezension Itai Nartzizenfield Sneh in: H-Net Reviews
  • The place of enchantment. British occultism and the culture of the modern
    Owen, Alex: The place of enchantment. British occultism and the culture of the modern (2004)
    Rezension Peter Stansky in: H-Net Reviews
  • In the company of demons. unnatural beings, love, and identity in the Italian Renaissance
    Maggi, Armando: In the company of demons. unnatural beings, love, and identity in the Italian Renaissance (2006)
    Rezension O. P. G. Maxwell-Stuart in: H-Net Reviews
  • In the company of demons. unnatural beings, love, and identity in the Italian Renaissance
    Maggi, Armando: In the company of demons. unnatural beings, love, and identity in the Italian Renaissance (2006)
    Rezension Andreea Marculescu in: H-Net Reviews
  • Catastrophe and meaning. the Holocaust and the twentieth century
    Postone, Moishe; Santner, Eric L. (Hrsg.): Catastrophe and meaning. the Holocaust and the twentieth century (2003)
    Rezension Eric Jarosinski in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • A spectacular secret. lynching in American life and literature
    Goldsby, Jacqueline Denise: A spectacular secret. lynching in American life and literature (2006)
    Rezension Silke Hackenesch in: H-Soz-u-Kult
  • The commerce of cartography. making and marketing maps in eighteenth-century France and England
    Pedley, Mary Sponberg: The commerce of cartography. making and marketing maps in eighteenth-century France and England (2005)
    Rezension Peter Meurer in: sehepunkte
  • Painting the difference. sex and spectator in modern art
    Harrison, Charles: Painting the difference. sex and spectator in modern art (2008)
    Rezension David Ogawa in: sehepunkte
  • The good life in the scientific revolution. Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue
    Jones, Matthew Laurence: The good life in the scientific revolution. Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue (2006)
    Rezension Kelly J. Whitmer in: H-Net Reviews
  • The good life in the scientific revolution. Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue
    Jones, Matthew Laurence: The good life in the scientific revolution. Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, and the cultivation of virtue (2006)
    Rezension Kelly J. Whitmer in: H-Net Reviews
  • A spectacular secret. lynching in American life and literature
    Goldsby, Jacqueline Denise: A spectacular secret. lynching in American life and literature (2006)
    Rezension Sarah L. Silkey in: H-Net Reviews
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