The Ukrainian Crisis in the European Media and the Public Sphere


Imre Kertész Kolleg: Jena, DE

The current situation in Ukraine is the subject of an intense discussion in the public sphere and the media across Europe. But what do we know about how our neighbouring countries are reflecting on the crisis, its historical background and its meaning for the relationship between our countries, Ukraine, Russia and the European Union? The Cultures of History Forum of the Imre Kertész Kolleg asked historians and sociologists from more than 15 European countries, the US, Israel and Turkey for contributions on the media coverage of and public debates on the Ukrainian crisis in their own countries. The authors summarize the main issues raised in reflections on the situation in the Ukraine, the Maidan and Crimea and point to shifts in these reflections over time. In particular, the contributions highlight the frequent recourse to historical issues and narratives in discussions of the Ukrainian crisis, the prevailing images of Ukraine, Russia and the European Union, and the historical concepts and stereotypes on which those images are based.
Hosting / Distributor

Universität Jena: Jena, DE <>





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Joachim von Puttkamer
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