Superpower under Pressure - The Secret Speech of Minister of Defence Marshal Zhukov in East Berlin, March 1957


Mastny, Vojtech [Projektleitung]

"The two CIA Information Reports of 29 March and 30 April 1957 respectively, which are being published here for the first time, are released under the CIA Historical Review program. We have, by request, had the reports sent to us by the CIA Historical Department. The information in both cases stems from the middle of March 1957. [...] The content of the two reports is based on a speech given by the Soviet Minister of Defense Marshal Georgii K. Zhukov to the Soviet military elite in East Germany during a visit in March 1957. He was in the GDR with Minister of Foreign Affairs Gromyko to sign a defense agreement (of 12 March 1957) with the East German Government."
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Thomas Meyer
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