H-Net Reviews


[Managing Editor] Kornbluh, Mark / [Assistant Editor] Sleight, James

This site is the interface to H-Net Reviews' extensive online database of book, software, multimedia, exhibit, and film reviews which are published via the H-Net network of e-mail lists. [...] H-Net Reviews bring a new dimension to the world of academic publishing. Our reviews are published online via discussion networks and the H-Net web site. This permits our reviews to reach scholars with a speed unmatched in any other medium. It also makes a new kind of interactivity possible, as reviewers, authors and readers engage in discussions of the reviews online. Through the power of e-mail and the web H-Net has helped pioneer online scholarly reviewing. The Reviews archive is separated into annual volumes. You can browse through the volumes or use our powerful search feature to assist in finding reviews. [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

Michigan State University: East Lansing, US (MI) <http://www.msu.edu>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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