Massimo Faggioli (PhD)

Modern and Contemporary Church History Contemporary History

Villanova University Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Villanova University Department of Theology and Religious Studies SAC 203 800 Lancaster Avenue


19085 Villanova


Research and projects

Current position(s)

Full Professor

Current project(s)

Vatican Ostpolitik and Germany (1958-1989)
New Movements in the Catholic Church

Former position(s)

Associate professor, University of St. Thomas (St. Paul MN - USA)


Monographs (and dissertation)

- The Rising Laity. Ecclesial Movements since Vatican II (Paulist Press, 2016).
- Pope Francis. Tradition in Transition (Paulist Press, 2015).
- The Legacy of Vatican II, eds. Massimo Faggioli and Andrea Vicini (Paulist Press, 2015).
- A Council for the Global Church. Receiving Vatican II in History (Fortress Press, 2015).
- Sorting Out Catholicism. A Brief History of the New Ecclesial Movements (Liturgical Press, 2014).
- John XXIII. The Medicine of Mercy (Liturgical Press, 2014).
- Papa Francesco e la chiesa-mondo (Armando: Rome, 2014; English transl. forthcoming by Paulist Press).
- True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in Sacrosanctum Concilium (Liturgical Press, 2012: Italian translation 2013).
- Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning (Paulist, 2012; Italian and Portuguese translations, 2013).
- Historia y evolución de los movimientos católicos. De León XIII a Benedicto XVI, Madrid: PPC Editorial, 2011.
- Breve storia dei movimenti cattolici [Brief History of the Catholic Movements], Rome: Carocci, 2008


Edited volumes

The Legacy of Vatican II, eds. M. Faggioli and A. Vicini, New York: Paulist Press, 2015
Il concilio inedito. Fonti del Vaticano II (Testi e ricerche di scienze religiose. Fonti e strumenti di ricerca, 1), a cura di M. Faggioli e G. Turbanti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2001, pp. 164.
I movimenti nella storia del cristianesimo. Caratteristiche - variazioni - continuità. Numero monografico di «Cristianesimo nella Storia», XXIV/3 (2003), a cura di G. Alberigo e M. Faggioli, pp. 323
Italian edition (with A. Vanoli) of H. Küng, Der Islam, Piper, München 2004, 891 pp., published in Italian by Rizzoli, Milano 2005, 912 pp.
Massimo Faggioli, Alberto Melloni (eds.), Religious Studies in the 20th Century. A Survey on Disciplines, Cultures and Questions. Proceedings of the Assisi Conference, December 11-13 2003 (Series Christianity and History, 2), LIT Verlag, Berlin 2006, 352 pp.
Massimo Faggioli, Alberto Melloni (eds.), Repraesentatio. Mapping a Keyword for Churches & Governance. Proceedings of the San Miniato Conference (13-16 October 2004) (Series Christianity and History, 3), LIT Verlag, Berlin 2006, 220 pp.
Italian edition of Joseph Ratzinger - Benedikt XVI., Grundsatz-Reden aus fünf Jahrzehnten. Themen der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern, Pustet, Regensburg 2005, published in Italian by Rizzoli, Milano 2006.

List of publications (Url)

Areas of research

Church History,
History of Christianity,
Contemporary History

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic