Rebecka Katz Thor (PhD)


Culture and Learning

Södertörn University



Research and projects

Current project(s)

Remember us To Life - Vulnerable Memory in a Prospective Monument, Memorial and Museum

Former position(s)

Senior Lecturer Aesthetics
Editor Public Art Agency Sweden


Monographs (and dissertation)

Katz Thor, Rebecka. Beyond the Witness – Holocaust Representation and the Testimony of Images, dissertation, Art and Theory Publishing 2018. ISBN 978-91-88031-61-7


Katz Thor, Rebecka. ”Minne och monument - förhandlingar om sårbarhet och sörjbarhet i det offentliga rummet”, Tidskriften Glänta, 2021

Katz Thor, Rebecka. ”Arkivet som konstverk (Lenke Rothman & Runo Lagomarsino)”, Tydningen nr. 37/38: ARKIV 2, 2021

Edited volumes

Katz Thor, Rebecka, ”Mich wird es geben”, Was denkt das Denkmal? Eine Anthologie zur Denkmalkultur, ed. Tanja Schult & Julia Lange, Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2021. Pp. 17-26

Katz Thor, Rebecka.”Ihågkom oss till liv”, Att hopfoga den sönderfallande världen: LENKE ROTHMAN, Alina Chaiderov, Gery Georgieva, ed. Joanna Nordin, Nyköping: Sörmlandsmuseum 2019, pp. 44-53.

Katz Thor, Rebecka. ”The Limits of the Reconcilable: Arendt, Eichmann, and Heidegger”, On Reconciliation / Über Versöhnung, ed. Dora Garcia, Berlin: K-Verlag 2018. ISBN 978-3-9818635-2-9, pp. 49-59

Katz Thor, Rebecka. “Transformation of Past and Present”, Carla Zaccagnini and Runo Lagomarsino, ed. Diana Baldon, Milano: Mousse Publishing 2015. ISBN 9788867491667, pp. 81-83.

Areas of research

Memory studies, aesthetics, Holocaust commemoration, Public art and monuments.

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic