Dr. Lodovica Clavarino

Post-doc, Adjunct Professor of History of Contemporary International Politics

Department of Political Science

Roma Tre University

Research and projects


Monographs (and dissertation)

- Forthcoming: a book on the security policy of West Germany between 1967-1975 (Mondadori, 2019)

- Scienza e politica nell’era nucleare: la scelta pacifista di Edoardo Amaldi (Roma: Carocci, 2014)


- «Many countries will have the bomb: there will be Hell». Edoardo Amaldi and the Italian physicists committed to disarmament, arms control and détente”, in Bini, Londero, Nuclear Italy: An International History of Italian Nuclear Policies during the Cold War (Trieste, EUT, 2017)

- “Dall’Uranverein alla svolta verde. Breve storia dell’atomo tedesco”, in Limes “A qualcuno piace atomica” (2012)

Areas of research

- Cold War history (particularly détente)

- Nuclear proliferation history

- Transnational anti-nuclear movements (particularly the scientists’ commitment)

- Italian and West German history.

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification