Dr. Stefano Petrungaro

Ass. Prof.


IOS - Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Assistant Professor (2017-)

Current project(s)

- Strange Jobs. Social Marginalization and the Work in Yugoslavia (1918-1941) (book project)

- Transformation from Below. Shipyards and Labor Relations in the Uljanik (Croatia) and Gdynia (Poland) Shipyards since the 1980s (http://www.transformations-from-below.eu/ )

Former position(s)

Senior Researcher, Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg/Germany


Monographs (and dissertation)

1. Balcani: una storia di violenza? Carocci, Rom 2012;
2. Pietre e fucili. La protesta sociale nelle campagne croate di fine Ottocento, Viella, Rom 2009 (kroatische Übersetzung: Kamenje i puške. Društveni protest na hrvatskom selu krajem XIX. stoljeća, Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2011);
3. (mit Laura Cerasi und Rolf Petri), Porti di frontiera. Industria e commercio a Trieste, Fiume e Pola tra le guerre mondiali, Viella, Rom 2008;
4. Riscrivere la storia. Il caso della manualistica croata (1918-2004), Fondazione Federico Chabod, Stylos, Aosta 2006 [kroatische Übersetzung: Pisati povijest iznova. Hrvatski udžbenici povijesti 1918.-2004. godine, Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2009]


- Stefano Petrungaro, The Medical Debate about Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Yugoslavia (1918-1941), «Social History of Medicine», https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkx023 (published: 01 August 2017)
- Stefano Petrungaro, Inter-war Yugoslavia Seen Through Corporatist Glasses, in Antonio Costa Pinto (ed.), Corporatism and Fascism. The Corporatist Wave in Europe, Routledge, London 2017, pp. 236-256.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Popular Protest Against Hungarian Symbols in Croatia (1883-1903). A Study in Visual History, in: «Cultural and Social History. The Journal of the Social History Society», 13 (2016), 4, pp. 503-520.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Hostels for Jobless Workers in Interwar Yugoslavia (1921-1941), in «International Review of Social History», 59 (2014), 3, pp. 443–471.

List of publications (Url)


Areas of research

- social marginality and labour history in Eastern Europe
- cultural and social history of the late Habsburg Empire (with particular attention to popular protest)

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic