Prof. Dr. Neville Morley

Department of Classics & Ancient History, School of Humanities

University of Bristol

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Professor of Ancient History

Current project(s)

The reception and influence of the ancient Greek historian Thucydides in the modern world, especially in historiography and political thought.


Monographs (and dissertation)

Morley, Neville, Metropolis and Hinterland. The city of Rome and the Italian economy, Cambridge 1996.
Morley, Neville, Writing Ancient History, London 1999.
Morley, Neville, Theories Models and Concepts in Ancient History, London 2004.
Morley, Neville, Trade in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge 2007.
Morley, Neville, Antiquity and Modernity, Oxford & Malden 2009.
Morley, Neville, The Roman Empire. Roots of imperialism, London 2010.


Morley, Neville, Peter Handke’s Thucydides, in: Classical Receptions Journal 4,1 (2012), pp. 1-28.
Morley, Neville, Decadence as a theory of history, in: New Literary History 35,4 (2004), pp. 573-85.
Morley, Neville, The transformation of Italy, 225-28 B.C., in: Journal of Roman Studies XCI (2001), pp. 50-62.

Edited volumes

Morley, Neville & Harloe, Katherine (Hg.), Thucydides and the Modern World, Cambridge 2012.

Areas of research

Reception of classical ideas in the modern era; theories of modernity.

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic