Klose, Fabian; Thulin, Mirjam; Becker, Judith; Paulmann, Johannes; Berger, Joachim; Bethencourt, Francisco; Betts, Paul; Grigore, Mihai-D.; Kruip, Gerhard; von Lingen, Kerstin; Möller, Esther; Stornig, Katharina; Weller, Thomas; Delgado, Mariano; Berger, Joachim; Delgado, Mariano; Grigore, Mihai-D.; von Lingen, Kerstin; Möller, Esther; Stornig, Katharina; Weller, Thomas (Hrsg.)

    Humanity. A History of European Concepts in Practice From the Sixteenth Century to the Present

    Published on: 2016
    ISBN: 9783525101452


  • Review Benjamin Möckel in: H-Soz-u-Kult