Ohio History - The Scholarly Journal of the Ohio Historical Society


[Editor] Daugherty, Robert L. / [Publications Production Editor] Walsh, Patricia

Ohio History was established in June 1887 as the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. For more than one hundred years, the journal has published scholarly works on topics spanning the political, military, social, economic, and cultural history of our region. It is the oldest ongoing program of the Ohio Historical Society. Ohio History currently publishes two issues per year and features peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, and announcements of interest to Ohio's historical community. In fall 2002, Ohio History converted from a print subscription publication to an online journal available free of charge. PDF files of material published in the online journal are available to download and print. (PDFs are not available for issues published prior to the Summer-Autumn 2002 issue.) [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

Publications - Ohio Historical Society: Columbus, US (OH) <http://publications.ohiohistory.org>





United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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