Transnational Poster Art: Former East Germany (GDR) and Latin America 1970-1989


Schwartz, Elizabeth / Swartz, Diana T.

This World Wide Web exhibit contains over 30 posters, all of which were designed in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), and whose production was funded and encouraged by the East German government. The viewer will also encounter some posters produced in Nicaragua and Chile which compliment the East German ones in terms of content, and other types of artwork created by Germans as well as Latin American citizens. Our purpose is to show the GDR's foreign policy towards developing countries during the 1970's and 80's, a foreign policy which the East German government strove to reinforce and legitimize through this popular art form. In addition, the website offers a bibliography.
Hosting / Distributor

Stanford University Libraries: Stanford, US (CA) <>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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