Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA)

The Department of History of NIWI-KNAW aims to register, document and make accessible digital resources that are relevant for historical research. These collections of historical data sets, CD-ROMs and other electronic publications, are known as the Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA). [...] On the website of the NIWI-KNAW the NHDA gives a survey of digital resources. A search screen enables you to look for resources that are either already complete or still under construction. It is also possible to browse through the collection. [...] The NHDA makes historical digital resources available. The data and related material that have been released for publication, can be downloaded via the website of the NIWI. [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services / Nederlands Instituut voor Wetenschappelijke Informatiediensten: Amsterdam, NL <>




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Thomas Meyer
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