Norway in America: Thor M. Andersen Bibliography (TMA)


Andersen, Thor M.

Tolfsby, Dina

TMA is an on-line bibliography of documents printed between 1825 and 1930 by and/or about Norwegian emigrants to the US and Canada. The bibliography lists references to books and brochures as well as to articles in newspapers and periodicals published throughout the world mainly in English and Norwegian. TMA also contains biographical information about the authors of most documents. There are over 50,000 entries in the bibliography. Its author, Thor M. Andersen (1897-1979), claimed that the bibliography includes 60% of the printed documents in the field. Unfortunately, documents are not classified by subject, so it cannot be browsed.
Hosting / Distributor

The National Library of Norway: Oslo, NO <>





Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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