Los Angeles: Past, Present & Future


Flick, Eileen / McCann, Linda / Wallach, Ruth

The city of Los Angeles is almost unique among American cities in receiving the tremendous amount of media attention that it does -- often negative in content in recent years. But L.A. is much more than what you see on the evening news or the movie screen. Utilizing the extensive archival resources available at the University of Southern California, these pages open a window into L.A.'s rich past and its exciting present and future. This project was started in 1996 by the late Dennis Thomison, a Reference Librarian at the University of Southern California. It is maintained today by members of USC's Information Services Division. [self-description]
Hosting / Distributor

University of Southern California: Los Angeles, US (CA) <http://www.usc.edu/>



United States

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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