Historische Rezensionen Online

"Historische Rezensionen online" is a search engine for historical research, where you can find book reviews from many journals. The fulltext of the reviews is mostly available as open access.

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  • Amphibious warfare 1000 - 1700. commerce, state formation and European expansion
    Trim, David J. B. (Hrsg.): Amphibious warfare 1000 - 1700. commerce, state formation and European expansion (2006)
    Review Jürgen Luh in: sehepunkte
  • Solon of Athens. new historical and philological approaches
    Blok, Josine Henriette (Hrsg.): Solon of Athens. new historical and philological approaches (2006)
    Review Winfried Schmitz in: sehepunkte
  • The canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim. the formation and function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon
    Brown, Jonathan A. C.: The canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim. the formation and function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon (2007)
    Review Jens Scheiner in: sehepunkte
  • A traditional Muʿtazilite Qurʾān commentary. the Kashshāf of Jār Allāh al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538/1144)
    Lane, Andrew J.: A traditional Muʿtazilite Qurʾān commentary. the Kashshāf of Jār Allāh al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538/1144) (2006)
    Review Heidrun Eichner in: sehepunkte
  • Intent in Islamic law. motive and meaning in Medieval Sunnī Fiqh
    Powers, Paul R.: Intent in Islamic law. motive and meaning in Medieval Sunnī Fiqh (2006)
    Review Heidrun Eichner in: sehepunkte
  • Denmark and the crusades, 1400 - 1650
    Møller Jensen, Janus: Denmark and the crusades, 1400 - 1650 (2007)
    Review Carsten Jahnke in: sehepunkte
  • The world of Ion of Chios
    Jennings, Victoria (Hrsg.): The world of Ion of Chios (2007)
    Review Tiziano Dorandi in: sehepunkte
  • Poetics of Islamic historiography. deconstructing Ṭabarī's History
    Shoshan, Boaz: Poetics of Islamic historiography. deconstructing Ṭabarī's History (2004)
    Review Barbara Eisenbürger / Stephan Conermann in: sehepunkte
  • Spain in Italy. politics, society, and religion 1500 - 1700
    Dandelet, Thomas James; Marino, John A. (Hrsg.): Spain in Italy. politics, society, and religion 1500 - 1700 (2007)
    Review Angelantonio Spagnoletti in: sehepunkte
  • Italy and the European powers. the impact of war, 1500 - 1530
    Shaw, Christine (Hrsg.): Italy and the European powers. the impact of war, 1500 - 1530 (2006)
    Review Matthias Schnettger in: sehepunkte
  • Socinianism and Arminianism. Antitrinitarians, Calvinists and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe ; [proceedings of a symposium held July 12 - 13, 2003 at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich ; Symposium "Socinianism and Cultural Exchange"]
    Mulsow, Martin; Rohls, Jan (Hrsg.): Socinianism and Arminianism. Antitrinitarians, Calvinists and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe ; [proceedings of a symposium held July 12 - 13, 2003 at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich ; Symposium "Socinianism and Cultural Exchange"] (2005)
    Review Sina Rauschenbach in: sehepunkte
  • Art and architecture of the synagogue in late antique Palestine. in the shadow of the church
    Milson, David: Art and architecture of the synagogue in late antique Palestine. in the shadow of the church (2007)
    Review Stefanie Hoss in: sehepunkte
  • The governor and his subjects in the later Roman empire
    Slootjes, Daniëlle: The governor and his subjects in the later Roman empire (2006)
    Review Christina Kokkinia in: sehepunkte
  • The Roman collegia. the modern evolution of an ancient concept
    Perry, Jonathan Scott: The Roman collegia. the modern evolution of an ancient concept (2006)
    Review Dorothea Rohde in: sehepunkte
  • The soul of commerce. credit, property, and politics in Leipzig, 1750 - 1840
    Beachy, Robert: The soul of commerce. credit, property, and politics in Leipzig, 1750 - 1840 (2005)
    Review Katherine Aaslestad in: sehepunkte
  • Die deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter
    Böninger, Lorenz: Die deutsche Einwanderung nach Florenz im Spätmittelalter (2006)
    Review Christiane Schuchard in: sehepunkte
  • Neo-Muʿtazilismus?. Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des Islam
    Hildebrandt, Thomas: Neo-Muʿtazilismus?. Intention und Kontext im modernen arabischen Umgang mit dem rationalistischen Erbe des Islam (2007)
    Review Heidrun Eichner in: sehepunkte
  • Society and culture in the early modern Middle East. studies in Iran in the Safavid period
    Newman, Andrew J. (Hrsg.): Society and culture in the early modern Middle East. studies in Iran in the Safavid period (2003)
    Review Stephan Conermann in: sehepunkte
  • The formation of the classical tafsīr tradition. the Qurʾān commentary of al-Thaʿlabī (d. 427/1035)
    Saleh, Walid A.: The formation of the classical tafsīr tradition. the Qurʾān commentary of al-Thaʿlabī (d. 427/1035) (2004)
    Review Stephan Conermann in: sehepunkte
  • Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades. the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response
    Ebied, Rifaat Y.; Thomas, David Richard; Dimashqī, Shams (Hrsg.): Muslim-Christian polemic during the Crusades. the letter from the people of Cyprus and Ibn Abī Ṭālib al-Dimashqī's response (2005)
    Review Stephan Conermann in: sehepunkte
Page 9 (231 Results)