Hill Monastic Manuscript Library

Since its founding in 1965, the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML) has sent teams of researchers and technicians to film more than 25 million pages from nearly 90,000 volumes in libraries and archives throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Today, HMML represents one of the largest and most comprehensive archives of medieval and Renaissance sources in the world. The collection includes substantial holdings from Germany and Austria (including the National Library in Vienna), Spain, Portugal, England, Malta, Ethiopia and smaller collections from other countries. Virtually every subject of knowledge--theology, philosophy, law (canon and civil), music, art, science and medicine, the mechanical arts and the liberal arts--is reflected in this vast collection. More than a repository of manuscripts, the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library is one of the best research libraries in medieval studies in the country. Scholars from all over the world visit the Library, for short or extended periods, while others contact the Library by mail to request copies of microfilmed holdings. Efforts are underway to increase accessibility to the HMML collection through CD-ROM and other electronic means.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Hill Monastic Manuscript Library - Saint John's University: Collegeville, US (MN) <http://www.hmml.org/>



United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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