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McCord Museum



H3A 1E9
Montreal, Quebec
690 Sherbrooke Street West
001 514-398-7100


Line Rivard


Line Rivard


"Inaugurated in 1921, the McCord embodies the vision of a passionate collector, David Ross McCord, whose abiding wish was to shed light on the history and cultures of his country and thus bring its people together."


"A unique forward-looking and thought-provoking museum. The McCord is a public research and teaching museum that preserves our collective past - over 1,440,000 objects, images and manuscripts, irreplaceable reflections of the social history and material culture of Montreal, Quebec and Canada - a true source of inspiration. The McCord reaches out to the world by exploring contemporary issues and engaging with communities at the local, national and international level to further the appreciation and understanding of our heritage."

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