Inventing Europe


Alexander Badenoch

Inventing Europe is a virtual exhibition that explores the history, culture and formation of Europe through the lens of technological objects and images. The online platform is a pioneering collaboration between historians and cultural heritage institutions throughout Europe. Together they guide the visitor on transnational journeys through Europe's turbulent last century and a half. Visitors can follow a number of object-based tours through this new and innovative history of technology. The tours are collected within different exhibitions that explore the broader themes of Daily Lives, Media & Communications, Knowledge Societies, Infrastructure, Globalization and Governance. Europe's history comes to life as users interact with the objects and stories that show the forces that shaped it. The website is inspired by work on the book series Making Europe: Technology and Transformations 1850-2000 that will be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013 and 2014. Inventing Europe is developing a new educational program where students learn new ways of engaging with rich primary materials. European universities in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal already use Inventing Europe as a teaching tool.




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Thomas Meyer
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