Department of History and Civilization [European University Institute]

Enthalten in
"The study of European history [is] understood less as a collection of the histories of nation states than as a study of the complex relationships between them. [...] In terms of its geographic coverage, the Department promotes two views: that the concept "Europe" encompasses the continent's eastern and south-eastern regions, but that the issue of Europe's frontiers over time remains an open subject; and that a crucial dimension of Europe's history is represented by its relations with the world's other regions and cultures." Die Website informiert über seine Forschungs- und Online-Projekte, wie z.B. das WWW-VL EUI European History Project oder seine Arbeitsgruppen, wie z.B. "1968, Europe and the Left" sowie die Academy of European History, „a forum for the discussion of European history among two groups of young professionals, drawn from across Europe: professors at the pre-University level and journalists”. Es wird jährlich eine Tagung veranstaltet, das Thema 2004 ist “Empires in European History”.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

European University Institute: Florenz; IT





Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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