To Light Such a Candle: Chapters in the History of Science and Technology

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Keith J. Laidler

"Most scientists feel that there is a need for better communication between themselves and the general public. Politicians make many decisions relating to science and technology, but scientists are often convinced that the wrong decisions were made because of ignorance of the true issues. Popular movements frequently take up causes without a correct assessment of the science involved--or so it appears to many scientists. How can these misunderstandings be avoided? In this book I have tried to deal with what I think may be the heart of the difficulty, the confusion that exists in people's minds between science and technology. The relationship between the two is a complex and changing one. I have taken seven themes in science and technology, and have tried to explain in straightfor- ward language how they have developed. The seven themes, in Chapters 2 to 8, can be briefly summarized as: steam engines, photography, electric power, radio transmission, electronics, large molecules, and nuclear power. All of these themes belong to what is called hard science, which is the kind of science that can be for- mulated mathematically, and can be tested by experiment..."



United Kingdom

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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