The Years of the Cupola 1417-1436. Digital archive of the sources of the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore


Haines, Margaret

"The Years of the Cupola is a textual and structured digital archive of the documentary sources of the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore. The period covered, 1417-1436, corresponds to the two decades during which Brunelleschi’s dome was designed and constructed. The project includes all the documentary records of the cathedral’s Opera, or Board of works, which oversaw not only the work site for the construction of the cupola and the rich furnishings and works of art that adorned the church, but also the residence of the clergy in the nearby canonry and other real estate owned by the Opera, as well as important outside projects ordered by the city’s communal government, from fortifications throughout the territorial state to the papal apartments in the convent of Santa Maria Novella. The sources document the provision of building materials, the management of the work force, the institutional structure of the Opera itself and its efforts to collect the publicly decreed financing due it, its presence in the liturgical context and its relations with the city of Florence, that saw itself reflected in the great civic enterprise of the cathedral."
Veröffentlicht durch

Englisch, Italienisch



Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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