Scottish Archive Network - Online access to the written history of Scotland

The Scottish Archive Network was created in August 1999 to create an electronic network and search room linking the catalogues of over 50 Scottish archives - opening up Scotland's archives to the world. [...] [It aims to] provide a range of additional electronic services including a Knowledge Base of Frequently Asked Questions on Scottish history, together with exhibitions, publications, discussion groups, all of which will enhance and encourage the use of Scottish archives. The area 'Research Tools' "provides on-line help on topics such as 'Scottish Handwriting', and a glossary of unusual words. We have included a link to a 'Virtual Vault' where users can access images of interesting documents from our participating archives." [self-description] Online exhibitions include topics like "North by Northwest", "Revealing Women", "Trade Cards", "Herbal Remedies", "Mearnskirk Hospital", "Horrid Sinne of Witchcraft" and "Slavery and Glasgow"
Hosting / Distributor

Scottish Archive Network: Edinburgh, UK <>



United Kingdom

Editors Information
Published on
Thomas Meyer
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