Prof. Dr. Michael L. Hughes

Dept. of History

Wake Forest University

Dept. of History Wake Forest University


NC 27109-7806 Winston-Salem

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Professor of History


Monographs (and dissertation)

Hughes, Michael L. Shouldering the Burdens of Defeat. West Germany and the Reconstruction of Social
Justice. Chapel Hill, NC, 1999
Hughes, Michael L. Paying for the German Inflation. Chapel Hill, NC, 1988.


“Mastering War’s Material Consequences in West Germany. The Conceptual Background to the Lastenausgleich.” In: Paul Erker (ed.), Rechnung für Hitlers
Krieg. Aspekte und Probleme des Lastenausgleichs. Heidleberg: Verlag Regionalkultur, 2004.
“Just Deserts: Virtue, Agency, and Property in Mid-Twentieth-Century Germany.” In: Manfred Berg and Martin H. Geyer (eds.), Two Cultures of Right. The Quest for
Inclusion and Participation in Modern America and Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
“’Through No Fault of Our Own.’ West Germans Remember Their War Losses. German History, 18:2 2000), pp. 193-213.
“Hard Heads, Soft Money? West German Ambivalence about Currency Reform,1944-1948.” German Studies Review XXI:2 (May 1998), pp. 309-27.
“Restitution and Democracy in Germany after Two World Wars.” Contemporary European History 4:1 (March 1995), pp. 1-18.

Edited volumes

Areas of research

Deutsche Geschichte, 19. und 20. Jahrhundert; Demonstrationen/Kundgebungen; Staatsbürgerschaft

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Subject - Topic