Holocaust Denial on Trial: Using History to Confront Distortions

Enthalten in
"David Irving, a British Holocaust denier, sued American professor Deborah Lipstadt and her British publisher, Penguin Books, for libel in a 2000 London trial that made headlines around the world. [...] Lipstadt and Penguin not only won resoundingly, but also exposed the inner workings of the deniers, who distort 20th century history in order to promote 21st century antisemitism and white supremacy. This site is built around the defense's groundbreaking research, the riveting trial-room testimony, and the judge's historic opinion which found Irving to be a "right-wing pro-Nazi polemicist" who "deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Emory University: Atlanta, US <http://www.emory.edu/>


Arabic, Englisch, Persian, Russisch


United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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