The Transformation Process in Bulgaria


Stoilov, Georgi

Dissertation von Georgi Stoilov (2004): "This study is about transition in Bulgaria and its status on the European scene. The complexity and diversity of the matter puts, however, natural limitations to it. Research has now past from the domain of general trends and models to more fragmented case studies featuring various aspects of the transition process. Nevertheless, the study revisits the former in the less ambitious attempt to provide the readers with better understanding of where Bulgaria stands today and the environment it offers for safer political and economic integration with its immediate counterparts. Such an approach would increase the unpredictability risks as to the conclusions inferred, but would equip those interested in Bulgaria’s recent developments with practical tools to evaluate and judge them."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen: Gießen, DE <>





Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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