

Pincombe, Michael (University of Newcastle) / Almási, Zsolt (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary)

"e-Colloquia is intended to offer a friendly but scholarly forum for the discussion of general issues pertaining to sixteenth-century English literature, philosophy, and theology. At least once a year, perhaps more often, we shall publish a chapter-length “Leader” written by an established expert in the field, which will raise general points of interest and concern to scholars working across the disciplinary boundaries covered by the remit of the journal. Before publication, the Leader is sent to other experts for general comment, or, “Reflection.” These shorter responses are then presented to the author of the leader for consideration and response, and then all the items are published on the internet with an invitation for others interested in the topic to contribute their own remarks, which will be posted up on the internet as and as long as they are sent to us. The collaborative work is very much meant to create a space where scholars, especially younger scholars at the start of their career, can feel at ease discussing topics which are important to them, knowing that their views will be taken seriously but also treated in a spirit of generosity and comradeship – in a word: humaniter."
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

Pázmány University Electronic Press (PUEP)





Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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