Max Voegler (PhD)

VP Global Strategic Networks

Research Networks


Research and projects

Current position(s)

Vice President for Global Strategic Networks - DACH

Former position(s)

Direktor des Nordamerikabüros, Washington, DC (2010-2017)
Referatsleiter Nordamerika, Gruppe Internationale Zusammenarbeit (2009-2010)
Referent, Gruppe Wissenschaftliche Literaturversorgungs- und Informationssysteme, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2005-2009)
Projektkoordinator, Clio-online (2001-2005)
Teaching Assistant, Columbia University (1999-2000)
Jazz Musiker, Prag, (1994-1996)


Monographs (and dissertation)

"Religion, Liberalism and the Social Question in the Habsburg Hinterland: the Catholic Church in Upper Austria, 1850-1914" (PhD Dissertation, Columbia Unviersity, 2006).


"Illness and Death in the Era of Neoabsolutism: New Perspectives on Liberal-Catholic Conflict in 1850s Upper Austria" Austrian History Yearbook 38 (2007).

Edited volumes

Max Vögler: Different Paths, Similar ‚Nations’? Ultramontanization and the Old Catholic Movement in Upper Austria, 1870/71, in: Laurence Cole (Hrsg.), Different Paths to the Nation: National Identity and State-building in Germany, Italy and the Habsburg Monarchy c. 1830-1870, Palgrave, 2006.
Max Vögler: Politik, in: Michael Pammer (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte, Bd. 5. 1750-1880, Paderborn, 2006.

Areas of research

Habsburger Geschichte, zentraleuropäische Geschichte, Stadtgeschichte im 19. Jh., Religionsgeschichte