Monographien (und Dissertation)
Taking the Transnational Turn: The German Jewish Press and Journalism Beyond Borders, 1933-1943 [in Hebrew] (forthcoming with Yad Vashem Publications, 2022)
The Language of Nazi Genocide: Linguistic Violence and the Struggle of Germans of Jewish Ancestry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009)
“Reinterpreting Jewish Petitioning Practices During the Shoah: Contestation, Transnational Space, Survival.” The Journal of Holocaust Research 35 (2021): 306-325.
“Remaking Eichmann: Memories of Mass Murder and the Transatlantic Student Movements of the 1960s.” In The Trial of Adolf Eichmann, edited by Rebecca Wittmann, 231-252. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
“Information Policies and Linguistic Violence.” In A Companion to Nazi Germany, edited by Shelley Baranowski, Armin Nolzen, and Claus-Christian W. Szejnmann, 163-179. Oxford: Wiley, 2018.
“History and Theory: Writing Central European Histories after the Linguistic Turn.” In Modern Germany in Transatlantic Perspective, edited by Michael Meng and Adam R. Seipp, 21-46. New York: Berghahn, 2017.
“Language, Violence, and the Holocaust: Post-Linguistic Turn Reflections and Case Studies” [in Hebrew]. Bishvil Hazikaron [Yad Vashem] 18 (2014): 28-35.
“Rethinking Nazi Violence Against Jews: Linguistic Injuries, Physical Brutalities, and Dictatorship Building.” Politische Gewalt in Deutschland. Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History 2014, edited by José Brunner, Doron Avraham, and Marianne Zepp (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2014)
“‘Den mörderischen Alltag bei seinem richtigen Namen nennen’: Linke Protestbewegungen, jüdische Remigranten und die Erinnerung an Massenverbrechen in den 1960er Jahren.” Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 62 (2014): 600-619
“Eine Methode, der bei uns der gewünschte Effekt wohl versagt bleiben wird”? Erinnerungen an Massenmord und linksgerichtete Protestbewegungen in amerikanischen und westdeutschen Nachrichtensendungen, 1968-1970.” Rundfunk & Geschichte 38 (2012): 3-22
“‘In the Interest of the Volk. . .’ Nazi-German Paternity Suits and Racial Recategorization in the Munich Superior Courts, 1938-1945.” Law and History Review 29 (2011): 523-48
“Die Praxis der Bestimmung Rassischer Abstammung: Staatliche Sippenforschung, Rassistischer Diskurs und Gewalt im NS-Deutschland der Vorkriegszeit.” Zeitgeschichte 35 (2007)
“Linguistic Violence and Discursive Contestation Preceding the Holocaust.” In The Holocaust in International Perspective. Ed. Dagmar Herzog. Evanston, 2006
“Determining ‘People of German Blood,’ ‘Jews,’ and ‘Mischlinge.’ The Reich Kinship Office and the Competing Discourses and Powers of Nazism, 1941-1943.” Contemporary European History 15 (2006)
“‘German Jews,’ ‘National Jews,’ ‘Jewish Volk’ or ‘Racial Jews’? The Constitution and Contestation of ‘Jewishness’ in Newspapers of Nazi Germany, 1933-1938.” Central European History 35 (2002)
Herausgeberschaften und Editionen
Co-Editor, Resisting Persecution: Jews and their Petitions during the Holocaust, ed. with Wolf Gruner. New York: Berghahn Books, 2020
Co-Editor, Beyond “Ordinary Men”: Christopher R. Browning and Holocaust Historiography, ed. with Jürgen Matthäus et al. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, 2019