Prof. Dr. Felicitas Becker

Professor of African History, Gent University

History Department

Gent University

Research and projects

Current position(s)

Senior Research Associate, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge

Current project(s)

The politics of poverty in Tanzania
Swahili Muslim preachers and their audiences

Former position(s)

University Lecturer, African History, University of Cambridge
Fellow and Teaching Officer in History, Peterhouse
Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, SOAS, University of London


Monographs (and dissertation)

The politics of poverty in Tanzania. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2019.
Becoming Muslim in mainland Tanzania. Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2008


In African Affairs, Journal of African History, Journal of Global History, Africa, African Studies Review, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Religion in Africa, International Journal of African Historical Studies et al.

Edited volumes

Religion, Media and Marginality in Africa (with Joel Cabrita and Marie Rodet), 2018.
Journal of African History, Special Issue on Africa in the Indian Ocean (with Joel Cabrita), 2014.
AIDS and religious practice in Africa (with Wenzel Geissler), 2009.
Der Maji Maji Krieg gegen die deutsche Kolonialherrschaft in Tanzania (with Jigal Beez), 2005

Areas of research

aftermath of slavery in East Africa
history of rural Islam in East Africa
popular politics in East Africa

Temporal Classification
Regional Classification