Dave De ruysscher (Juniorprof.)

Associate professor

Department of Public Law, Jurisprudence and Legal History

Tilburg University

Research and projects

Current project(s)

Coherence in Law Through Legal Scholarship. The History of Collateral Rights and Insolvensy (CLLS, ERC Starting Grant nr 714759)


Monographs (and dissertation)

DE RUYSSCHER, D., ‘Naer het Romeinsch recht alsmede den stiel mercantiel’. Handel en recht in de Antwerpse rechtbank (16de-17de eeuw), Kortrijk, UGA, 2009, lxxix + 407 p. (ISBN 978-90-897-712-92)

DE RUYSSCHER, D., Gedisciplineerde vrijheid: een geschiedenis van het handels- en economisch recht, Antwerp, Maklu, 2014, 183 p. (ISBN 978-90-4660-631-5).

DE RUYSSCHER, D., Westers recht in ontwikkeling: privaat- en publiekrecht van Rome tot vandaag, Mechelen, Kluwer, 2015, vi + 560 p., 2de herziene druk 2015.


DE RUYSSCHER, D., ‘Designing the limits of creditworthiness. Insolvency in Antwerp bankruptcy legislation and practice (16th-17th centuries)’, The Legal History Review (Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis) 76 (2008), 307-327

DE RUYSSCHER, D., ‘From usages of merchants to default rules: practices of trade, ius commune and urban law in early modern Antwerp’, The Journal of legal history 33/1 (2012), 3-29

DE RUYSSCHER, D. and PUTTEVILS, J., ‘The art of compromise. Legislative deliberation on marine insurance institutions in Antwerp (c1550-c1570)’, BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review 130/3 (2015), 25-49

Edited volumes

DE RUYSSCHER, D., CAPPELLE, K., COLETTE, M., DESEURE, B. and VAN ASSCHE, G. (eds.), Rechtsgeschiedenis op nieuwe wegen. Legal history, moving in new directions, Antwerpen, Maklu, 2015, 433 p. (ISBN 978-90-46-60758-9)

DE RUYSSCHER, D., CORDES, A., DAUCHY, S. and PIHLAJAMÄKI, H. (eds.), The Company in Law and Practice: Did Size Matter? (Middle Ages-Nineteenth Century), Leiden, Brill, 2017, 223 p (ISBN 978-90-04-34849-3).

List of publications (Url)


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