Historisches Forum

Historisches Forum. Themenhefte von Clio-online

Historisches Forum, Bd. 1

Managing Editors: Dr. Rüdiger Hohls und Prof. Dr. Wilfried Nippel
ISSN: 1612-5940
Publisher: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

With the publication of Historischen Forum Nr. 1 "Hans Rothfels und die Zeitgeschichte," Clio-online founded a publication series that aims at establishing a new format in publishing. In a fashion similar to that of the H-Soz-u-Kult book reviews, which appears four times a year as „Historisches Forum“ - published in association with the Franz Steiner Verlag - Historischen Forum brings together different contributions on a historical theme and bundles them in self-contained volumes. In contrast to Historische Literatur, however, the aim is not to produce a certain number of printed copies, but rather to create a uniquely digital publication. Each volume in the series is archived on the document server of the Humboldt University in Berlin and can be freely downloaded as a pdf document.


Current Volume

Older Volumes