Zeithistorische Forschungen

Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History 

Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History is part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-funded online portal Zeitgeschichte-online. The periodical, published in both a printed and an online version, deals with central problems contemporary history -- the first half of the twentieth century is addressed to the extent that the issues discussed are relevant for a historically grounded understanding of long-range issues. The central focus of the journal will nonetheless be the decades of German, European and global conflicts between 1945 and 1990.

Beyond that we would also like to provide a forum for "current" history, since scholarly reflection on the most recent past does not have to begin with the release of previously closed files. Beset by new wars, international terrorism, the contraction of the welfare state and other threats, people have a great need for orientation, which is also one of the responsibilities of contemporary historical research.

While most electronic magazines have hitherto been mere by-products of printed journals, we are proposing something new and different. The online version of Studies in Contemporary History will contain pictures, film segments and Internet links that will enhance the way that in which research is presented. The parallel print version has the advantage of being accessible for reference independently of the Internet. The hybrid style of publication also allows for the inclusion of more current scholarly debates.  The close link with the internet portal Zeitgeschichte-online and the mailing list H-Soz-u-Kult will allow the continuation of discussions independent of the rhythm of journal publication. Finally, we will dedicate a considerable amount of space to critical commentary on of the current media treatment of historical problems: We will evaluate new web-sites, CD ROMs, TV films and movies, exhibitions, etc. that are in-teresting from the perspective of contemporary history. [Go to the Editorial]

Editorial Staff

Dr. Jan-Holger Kirsch (coord. editor.), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Conrad, Dr. Peter Carrier, Dr. Jürgen Danyel, Dr. Klaus Große Kracht, PD Dr. Iris Schröder, Dr. Irmgard Zündorf


Jürgen Danyel, Wenke Röper, Marion Webers


Thomas Meyer (Clio-online), Jürgen Danyel

Aktuelle und alte Ausgaben
